Level Up Your Life: How to Build a Dream Team of Mentors Without Ever Meeting Them
Transform Your Mindset by Immersing Yourself in the Wisdom of the World’s Greatest Thinkers
😊 Hey folks!
Let’s kickoff today’s post with an excerpt from the FIREDOM Book:
“Olumide Ogunsanwo: The beauty of the principle of ambition is that while we often discuss it in the context of financial independence, it has far-reaching applications in personal development. Ambition can empower you to start a business, find a partner, or achieve any goal you set your mind to. The mindset, skills, and resourcefulness cultivated in the pursuit of financial independence invariably spill over into other crucial domains of life, such as relationships, health, entrepreneurship, and more.
Achani Samon Biaou: As the saying goes, you are the company you keep. Surrounding yourself with individuals lacking ambition can potentially hinder your own drive, even if you naturally possess a strong desire to succeed. If you are currently contemplating making a major change, it can be beneficial to spend more time with friends who have achieved ambitious goals or are actively pursuing them. Being in the company of like-minded and motivated individuals can inspire you, provide valuable insights, and offer support as you strive to achieve your own ambitions.
Olumide Ogunsanwo: Guess who popularized the common saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with"?
Achani Samon Biaou: Who?
Olumide Ogunsanwo: [Laughter] Jim Rohn. It surprised me too. Yes, the same Jim Rohn who authored the book you recommended. Your social circle and your level of ambition are interconnected.
Most principles are interconnected. For instance, we discussed self-belief a few chapters ago. If you have high self-belief, then it’s more likely to take courageous actions. Now, we're exploring ambition. Being ambitious often requires courage. These concepts may be presented separately in the book, but they are artificial distinctions. Our intention is to inspire you to develop and nurture these traits and believe in your capacity to achieve something remarkable with your life.”
Finding five people who inspire the hell out of you and who you want to become can be tough. At some point, you might have found yourself thinking, "Where do I find these five awesome people?"
Here’s the thing: You don’t have to limit yourself to the people in your immediate circle.
The beauty of the world we live in today is that you can tap into the minds of brilliant people from across the globe without ever meeting them in person.